
This is How Many Hours of Minimum Wage Work it Takes to Buy a Beer


Ever find yourself sitting at your desk, calculating what a day's work will get you in beers? Of course you have. Gathering data on the average price of a domestic draft beer in different countries and the minimum monthly wage in different parts of the world, Quartz was able to create a comprehensive beer index.

After dividing the average price of a local brew by hourly minimum wage based on a 40-hour work week, they were able to find the approximate time it would take for someone to earn enough to buy a beer while making minimum wage. The results? Puerto Rico tops the list, as it take only 12 minutes to grab a beer. On the other hand, in Georgia it take half a day's worth of work to rack up enough for a pint. The US fares off well at 24 minutes (priorities), while our neighbors upstairs average the same.


Check out the full spread below.


Picthx Quartz, wallsave