
Jellybean Flavored Milk Debuts for Easter


What's there to say about jellybeans? They're old-school, the kind of candy you'd find homemade at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Most folks either love them or hate them. They even come in "beer" and "tabasco" flavors.

Now, specifically for Easter, the Illinois-based Prairie Farms Dairy company has given the old candy bean a long-belated makeover, in the form of a bright-ass pink, jellybean-flavored milk that's mildly reminiscent of a certain anti-diarrheal drug . . .


Thankfully, the limited time only drink is less Pepto Bismol and more "milk tea" or "watery . . . strawberry milk" than the label would suggest, reports the Riverfront Times. The consistency is thick and the color, a bright magenta. According to Prairie sales director Rebbeca Leinenbach, "It hasn't appealed to everyone, but we knew that it wouldn't. We're just trying to have something for everyone."

The other Easter-themed flavors in the springtime line include Chocolate Marshmallow and Easter Egg Nog. Fine, fair enough, but where's my Cadbury Creme Egg one?