
How To Make In-N-Out & Five Guys At Home [WATCH]

The topic of whether Five Guys Burgers is better than In-N-Out has been a point of extreme contention here at the Foodbeast office for weeks now. A recent study by EquiTrend declared that Five Guys was the superior burger chain... triggering many fans of the California-based In-N-Out chain.

Hellthy JunkFood decided to hold a friendly competition, hosted by our buddy Daym Drops, to see who could make the better burger between the two chains.

Check out the video to see how to make both In-N-Out's Double Double Cheeseburger and Five Guys' Bacon Cheeseburger straight from the comfort of your own kitchen.


Since it's a collaboration, peep Daym's video to see which of the two chefs' burgers won the coveted prize of bragging rights.

Spoiler alert: It was In-N-Out.