
Watch These Foodie! Bane Outakes From The Dark Knight Rises

Who knew that behind all that muscle and malcontent hid a man who just wanted to make sure everyone got their daily recommended amount of fiber?

The guys from Auralnauts, apparently. That is, if their YouTube video description is to be believed, Bane’s lines in The Dark Knight Rises had to go through several revisions before making it to the final cut. I guess monologuing about strawberries and belittling Gotham’s taste in pizza makes a guy seem less menacing from some reason.

Check out the full range of Foodie!Bane’s TDKR outtakes below.

:07 seconds, in which Bane kills a guy for eating a bagel and cream cheese:


:51 seconds, in which he decides he wants market-fresh strawberries:

1:17 seconds, in which he feels his dietary expertise is being questioned:


3:38 seconds, in which he would have gone with the mixed greens over the iceberg lettuce:

And a bonus clip of Bane rapping, just because: