
Denny's Apologizes For A F*cked Up And Offensive April Fool's Tweet They Never Sent


Denny's is probably one of the more entertaining restaurant Twitter accounts to follow as they keep the corniness to a minimum and actually try to be witty.

Well, that wit was on display this April Fools as they Tweeted out Friday:


We apologize for the tweet from earlier today. It was immature and silly regardless of it being April Fools Day.

So what exactly did they Tweet that was so obscene and hurtful, it forced them to apologize?

Apparently, nothing.


Looks like Denny's has a superfan who actually gets Tweet notifications from the sit-down restaurant. You can imagine the confusion @sometimesjordyn was feeling when Denny's supposedly said something offensive, but it never showed up on her notifications bar.

That's when people started realizing that those sly pancake makers were pulling a fast one on everyone.

There won't be any fired social media interns, if anything, they'll probably get hired after this show of genius.

Good one, Denny's.