
Study Reveals The 20 'Fattest' Cities In The U.S.

Source: WalletHub

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 70.7 percent of Americans over 20 years old were overweight or obese.

A personal finance website named Wallethub decided to chart the cities that have the "fattest" people. By analyzing the 100 most populated U.S. metro areas, they gathered data from physically inactive adults to projected obesity rates by 2030 to healthy-food access within those areas.

It's also good to point out that a lot of the top cities on this list, such as Memphis, TN and Jackson, MS, are known to be food deserts. Cities like these don't have easy access to healthy or wholesome food, which may be the leading cause of the rampant obesity.


A lot of the cities that deal with obesity, or have weight-related health problems on this list, seem to be from the South. In fact, the whole top-20 consists of cities in the southern U.S.

Peep the top-20 below, and the whole list of 100 on Wallethub.


The Top 10



No. 11-20