
THE POSSIBILITIES: This Gadget Can Turn A Stick Of Butter Into A Warm Spray


When we make popcorn at home, buttering it can get pretty tricky. You can melt some butter in a saucepan, but if you don't get the temperature right you can destroy your popcorn in a hot greasy mess.

The Biem Butter Sprayer began as a Kickstarter campaign that quickly became fully funded. It was designed as a way to get things buttered without having to deal with the hassle of cold butter causing a mess.


All you have to do is pop a cold stick of butter into the device and it begins to melt the butter into a liquified stream as you hold down on the button. The sprayer will only melt as much butter as you need and won't liquify the entire stick on one use.

You can also add things like cooking oil or coconut oil to the machine.

Those interested can still back the project for about $129 to receive a device and an extra battery.