
Watching This Guy Pour 14 Jagerbombs At Once Is The Best Thing You'll See Today


This dude is the Criss Angel of bartending as he freaks the minds of inebriated onlookers with his fancy shot glass tricks.

Philip Traber is a German bartender who can throw down Jagerbombs like you've never seen before.

The guy has a routine where he nestles 14 glasses in his arm like a tall baby and pours the Jagermeister inside the tall tower. He then pours them ALL into little shot glasses, simultaneously. The kicker is the way he knocks the 14 shot glasses into larger glasses, dominos-style.


He makes the whole thing look effortless, like a skilled ice skater gracefully landing a triple salchow.

Trust me, it's one of the coolest bar tricks you'll ever see. I don't care how many bottles your local bartender juggles, this tops everything.

Check it out for yourself: