
No More Water Cup -- Guy Invents Automatic Beer Pong Cleaner


The biggest problem with beer pong is the tedious chore of cleaning the ball thoroughly after it lands on the floor. Because it's inevitable that a bunch of drunk 20-somethings will miss their cups, a ball will absolutely collect dust, gunk and other unmentionables settled on a dirty floor. Needless to say, that water ends up getting really gross really quick.


So the guys from Clean Cup claim to have invented a way to fix that problem. They set up a Kickstarter for an automated, portable beer pong ball cleaner. The device uses high pressure water and air to thoroughly clean the ball. The ball then floats up towards the user when it's ready to use. Each device has a built-in water tank and filter that's interchangeable. The entire cleaning process takes about five seconds and even includes an indicator light that tells you if your ball is clean.


Sort of reminds me of a golf ball cleaner.

Pledges of $60 or more will receive an early prototype model (subject to change) of the Clean Cup.