
Is 5-Hour Energy Working on a 3-Hour Hunger-Fighting Snack Bar?

Its premier product is already a godsend to college students and 9 to 5-ers worldwide, and now Living Essentials LLC, makers of the popular line of 5-Hour Energy shots, is putting its guns behind a new snack bar designed to postpone hunger for up to three hours.


Slated to contain only 95 calories and taste "as good as any candy you've ever had," the new bar in question currently remains nameless, though Manoj Bhargava, CEO of Living Essentials, did reveal the company is planning its launch for sometime in early 2013.

Call it first impressions, but because it is so different from a pure liquid energy shot, I can't help but wonder how much credit we can really give a snack bar that promises to stave off hunger, but only after you eat it (isn't that kind of just what eating does?). But hey, if the new "3-Hour Hunger" bar works anywhere near as well as its predecessor, I'll be gladly proven wrong.