
Jolly Rancher-Scented Nail Polish Is The Next Best Thing to Scented Markers


If you loved those fruit-scented markers as a kid, here's the next best thing:  Lotta Luv has candy-scented nail polish that smells like your favorite candy (assuming your favorite candy includes Jolly Ranchers).  Each set comes with five vibrantly-colored shades to match their sweet scents.

If nail polish isn't enough to satisfy your candy craving, they also make candy-scented lip balms and bath sets.

Just a warning: feverishly sniffing your hands at work may come off as a bit strange to others, so close your eyes while sniffing so that you don't see the weird looks you get from passerby.


Also, please don't try to eat this stuff. They have actual candy for that.

Candy-Scented Nail Polish @Lotta Luv

H/T + PicThx Lotta Luv