
Slanted Mug is Designed to Fit Between Your Thighs


I live a dangerous life.  I like to drink my tea on the couch, usually curled up around or with a cat, and my mug often gets placed precariously on my lap, the arm of the couch, or on the cat (poor thing).  I'm always worried about spilling, but usually too comfy to do anything about it.  Thank goodness someone invented the "Lap Mug."

The lap mug is "designed around the body rather than the table" and has a unique wedge design that allows it to fit perfectly between your legs.  Plus, the slanted mugs can be placed on a countertop at a slight angle, meaning you don't have to awkwardly hold them while pouring coffee.


However, after thinking about this critically for a bit, I have one important question.  How do I prevent my legs from burning with the hot mug now between them? I want to love you lap mug, but I don't know if I can.

Thelermont Hupton Lap Mug, $16 @room2046