How Cannabis Can Enhance Wellness and Mindfulness

Yoga has been in my life for as long as I can remember, but the relationship I’ve had with my practice has changed drastically over the last couple years. The biggest change was in my outlook. Yoga once was just a form of exercise for me, but has become an integral part of my self-care routine, and necessary for remaining sane among the craziness of life.

If one were to look at a timeline, they’d notice this change coincidentally occurred when I moved from DC to California, transitioning from a land with strict limitations surrounding cannabis to the new frontier in the industry – I said goodbye to the days of having to text an unreliable “dealer” to replenish my stash, and hello to the concept of a med card and plenty of dispensaries within a 2-mile vicinity.

I would be lying if I said the ease of acquiring cannabis didn’t impact the frequency with which I consumed it. Who’d blame me? But I found these moments becoming less about “indulging” and the East Coast guilt surrounding it (yeah, I’m making that a thing), and more about mental health and getting in tune with myself.

I initiated a little case study as I first started out in the land of legal cannabis. Some days I’d take a hit or two before my yoga class, and some days I’d go without. I noticed a stark difference between the two: on days I’d consume, I got far deeper into my practice, was more regulated with my breathing, and less inhibited to try poses, even if they were typically out of my comfort zone. I felt alive during my practice instead of counting down the minutes until my workout was over.

Experiencing yoga in this way, without the barriers of hyper awareness and self doubt, gave me such a different experience that it was worth noting – and repeating. And now that recreational cannabis is legalized in the state of California for adults, there are tons of product options to incorporate into your routine. One of the most interesting brands I’ve come across is Dosist, which I found at Blüm Dispensary.


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Dosist calls themselves “the first complete solution in cannabis,” and I agree that they’ve made a revolutionary product. The brand has created a vape of sorts that gives out consistent “doses” each time. To be specific, the user inhales for about 4-5 seconds and then will feel a vibration from the pen, noting the completion of a dose. They have six different pens, with each eliciting a different vibe or feeling: bliss, sleep, calm, relief, arouse, and passion.

Dosist uses varying ratios of THC to CBD, along with culinary grade terpenes to interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) inside each of us to achieve the “mood” associated with each pen. For example, the “Calm” pen is a 1:10 THC to CBD ratio, and contains terpenes like limonene, known to relieve stress and anxiety, and myrcene, known for its muscle relaxing properties. The “Relief” pen is a 10:1 THC to CBD ratio, and contains terpenes like terpinolene, known for its relaxing properties, and beta-caryophyllene, which is said to lower inflammation and reduce pain.

These effects are just a couple examples of the benefits cannabis has had on my yoga practice. Let’s be real – yoga is deeply rooted in flow and movement and some positions seem like part of a contortionist act, so it’s important for the body to be in a malleable state to achieve certain postures. Relieving the body of stress or inflammation can loosen your muscles, allowing you to get deeper into poses with less discomfort.

The usage of terpenes is also beneficial to us when in food, not just with cannabis. At a recent wellness event with Dosist at ESO Live Well, a nutritionist-curated menu featured build-your-own avocado toast, fresh berries, and egg frittatas. Avocados contain the terpene myrcene, and raspberries contain the terpene limonene, two terpenes also found in the Dosist “Calm” pen. Consuming terpene-rich foods can nourish the body and accentuate your practice, too, especially when in tandem with their counterparts found in cannabis.

Products like Dosist that blend together the plant medicine of cannabis with terpene “therapy” take the guesswork out of self care, and empower users seeking to control their mood and outlook. When trying a new product, consistency is key to understanding its effects and properly managing your dosing for next time. Keep track of how you feel in a journal to decide what the perfect dose for you might be and most importantly, have fun while doing it!



Created in partnership with Blüm

  • This content was created in partnership with Blüm.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • The statements in this article are for informational and educational purposes only. This does not constitute an advertisement or offer to sell any marijuana or other cannabis-derived products. It is intended for persons over the age of 21.
  • Although Marijuana is recreationally legal in California and Nevada, you must be at least 21 years of age to buy, possess or consume cannabis products of any kind. It is illegal to sell or advertise cannabis-derived products to anyone under the age of 21 or in locations where persons under 21 are expected to be found.
  • Do not over consume any drug or controlled substance, even if it is legal to do so. Always use good judgment when consuming marijuana, and do so responsibly.
  • Marijuana can impair your judgment and the ability to operate kitchen appliances and engage in sports or other physical activities.

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