Bringing Pot To The Potluck: Inside A Weed Infused Thanksgiving Dinner

blum thcsgiving

Take a second to envision your ideal thanksgiving dinner. For me, it’s a table surrounded by my closest friends and family. The tabletop is packed with every potato dish imaginable, stuffing, cranberry sauce and drinks. The kitchen echoes with laughter and the rhythmic clanking of dishes. In the center of the table, a large carved turkey sits, steaming, oozing the luscious, seasoned juices the night’s appointed chef prepared for us to enjoy. And the two most important things, a few homemade pumpkin pies — and my bong.

While most of us who partake in cannabis might not be able to bring our favorite party favor to a family thanksgiving, I had a chance to experience the next best thing at Blüm’s 1st Annual Blüm THCsgiving POTluck.

I was stoked for the festivities to begin, long before dinner started. I got word that some heavy weights from the Orange County food scene would be catering our potluck. Heritage Barbecue, was an awesome surprise, due to the buzz they’ve created around the OC brewery scene. For some context, Heritage has been a pop-up barbecue spot, drawing tremendous early morning crowds at breweries from Fullerton to Huntington Beach and beyond. And just based on my general curiosity surrounding the non-dairy ice cream trend, I heard Hug Life Anti-Dairy Ice Cream was on dessert duty, so my interest was definitely piqued.

blum thcsgiving

It’s been a few years since California voters decided recreational cannabis should be a God-given right to anyone over the age of 21, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. That was the vibe Blüm delivered at a private residence tucked in the Laguna Beach foothills on a foggy November evening, as strangers and new friends gathered to celebrate one of the longest unspoken practices in the history of Thanksgiving — getting high before dinner.

With the help of a few High Style THC-infused beers, a sip or two of some Kikoko Teas tasty cannabis-infused sangria, a variety of Henry’s Original pre-rolled joints and a unique Thanksgiving turkey-shaped glass pipe, I was ready to give thanks with everyone I came in contact with. Most of all, I was ready to eat! Still, nothing could have prepared me for the Turkey Day miracle I experienced at the dinner table.

Four words: Heritage. Barbecue. Smoked. Turkey. That’s the only thing I can think about since that night. This was masterful turkey, the best turkey I’ve ever eaten. It was the best turkey you’ve ever eaten. In fact, that turkey inspired me so much, my dad and I are going to smoke a turkey on Thanksgiving. I’m going to smoke other things too, but smoking a turkey for the first time ever will be a great father/son bonding experience. Even if it’s not Heritage standards.

I spoke with Danny Castillo, owner and pit master of Heritage, about what made his turkey so damn delicious. The magic happens after a five-day brine, which consists of salt, sugar, rosemary, thyme, garlic, sage and lemons. After, he uses a mixture of paprika, salt and pepper as a dry rub to coat the outside of the bird. The rest is pretty straightforward with temperature and just watching it to achieve the desired color you’re after. Thanks for the tips, Danny. If we’re lucky maybe Danny will add his artisan smoked turkey to Heritage’s menu when their first brick and mortar opens in San Juan Capistrano in 2020.

So, there I was, glassy-eyed, stuffed to the brim with a combination of the best smoked turkey ever, Social’s delicious brussels sprouts, countless dinner rolls and High Style — when the dessert tray rolled out. My eyes grew bigger with every available item, colorful Rice Krispies treats, cookies, cakes, brownies, the list went on.

If you know me, dessert isn’t always a walk in the park — when it comes to my dairy allergy. Hug Life hit the spot, but my craving for munchies was still peaking, after two cups of Reese’s Peaces I still wanted more.

When it comes to sweets, it’s pretty easy to pick what I want to eat — but not always the best choice considering my dairy allergy. Yet, I was surprised to see a THC-infused, dairy-free treat screaming my name. Kiva Camino Gummy topped No Bake Cheesecake Bites — made with dairy-free cream cheese, graham crackers and reduced Kiva Camino Gummies. I probably a dozen, at least.

As the night came to an end, I began to reflect on the evening, my body & mind vibrating with highness, my mouth stuck in a blissfully permanent grin. As we hopped in our Uber, I couldn’t wait to share this experience with my friends. Then it hit me, a few years ago, something like this might have been impossible to talk about, yet it felt so natural.

While it might take a few years before I can clear space for my bong at Thanksgiving dinner table, it was a pleasure to attend Blüm’s 1st Annual THCsgiving Dinner to enjoy some quality time with like-minded folks celebrating life as they see fit. Hopefully, my experience can illustrate that just a simple evening with friends can be accomplished anytime, with some good food, and some open minds. I think that’s enough to be thankful for all year.

So, same time next year?


Created in partnership with Blüm

  • This content was created in partnership with Blüm.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • The statements in this article are for informational and educational purposes only. This does not constitute an advertisement or offer to sell any marijuana or other cannabis-derived products. It is intended for persons over the age of 21.
  • Although Marijuana is recreationally legal in California and Nevada, you must be at least 21 years of age to buy, possess or consume cannabis products of any kind. It is illegal to sell or advertise cannabis-derived products to anyone under the age of 21 or in locations where persons under 21 are expected to be found.
  • Do not over consume any drug or controlled substance, even if it is legal to do so.
  • Always use good judgment when consuming marijuana, and do so responsibly.
  • Marijuana can impair your judgment and the ability to operate kitchen appliances and engage in sports or other physical activities.
  • Consuming marijuana in food can lead to intoxication; users should be careful to not engage in risky behavior, dangerous or complicated activities if under the intoxicating effects of marijuana.

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