
This is What A 100% Bacon Dress Looks Like


This Bacon Dress debuted at the 6th Annual Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival in Des Moines, Iowa. Made entirely from bacon, a local seamstress created the dress for the 2013 Bacon Queen pageant that took place during the event. Yes, a Bacon Queen exists, too.

More than 10,000 pounds of bacon was consumed by 8,000 attendees at the festival. The winner of the pageant was a lucky lady named Kim Pfannebecker who slipped into the carnivorous creation with ease and grace . . . Ugh, who am I kidding? This thing is gross, mostly because I'm appalled by all that wasted bacon that could have been turned into something splendid, like a bacon ice cream sundae, for instance.


Although, this will probably be Lady Gaga's next couture step.