
This Bowl Lets You Enjoy Kernel-Free Popcorn

Popcorn-BowlPopcorn versus unpopped kernels. One is a light, delicious, buttery snack that one can eat by the handfuls. The other is a hard, tooth-chipping cocoon that's a melancholic reminder of popcorn never to be tasted. One could easily ignore the batch of kernels that remain unpopped at the bottom of a bowl of popcorn. When eaten by the handful, however, a few are sure to find their way into a bite.

Ceramicist Catherine Smith created a bowl to solve the unwanted union of snack and seed. The twice-fired ceramic bowl features a colander-inspired base that serves as a filter. The unpopped kernels slip through the holes and into a removable strainer. Thus, popcorn and kernel are successfully separated.

The Popcorn Bowl is available for purchase at UncommonGoods for $75.
