
Carrot Fries


BBQ dinner parties have become quite the trend in our home this Summer. Normally, Sunday early evenings are our go-to days for it is the perfect way to end and start off a week. Now, however, it doesn't matter what the day, we BBQ when we want!(which seems to be a lot, lately)


It is quite the event: Early evening cocktails (champagne and beer, big time cocktails those are), catching up and winding down with friends, sharing the colorful sunset views from our mini-balcony as our grilling process culminates, then we feast.

The table setting is picturesque. Filled with mass amounts of grilled vegetables, delicately sliced meats and fish (for me!), water and wine, with candles and flowers to top it off. There is a smokey (good smokey), garlic-y aroma that fills our house, giving you that full feel of comfort. .....Doesn't it sound great? It is. You should join us sometime.

For a wee taste of what our grill nights are like, here is our top favorite dish! (and, you don't even need a grill. :) )

Carrot Fries

1 bag of long carrots; depends on how many people there are or want them. 3 of us need more than 1 bag. I wasn't kidding when I said they were our top favorite.

Olive oil

Garlic salt


1) Preheat oven to 400F. Wash and peel your carrots.

2) Cut into about 3-inch long by 1/4-inch wide carrot sticks

3) Place carrot sticks onto a large bowl. Pour olive oil (I use about 2 tablespoons; use to taste) over carrots, and mix to coat.

4) Sprinkle carrots with your choice of seasoning and toss.

5) Place carrots flat on Silpat lined baking sheet. Once laid out, sprinkle one more time with seasoning.

6) Place in oven for 15-20 minutes. Every 7-10 minutes, toss/move carrots around on baking sheet so they do not burn. If you like a more crisp carrot fry, bake for 20. If you like them softer, bake for 15. (Keep checking after 13-15.)

And, serve.

Who says there is no such thing as a healthy fry?