
100% Plantable Wrapping Paper is Embedded with Actual Seeds

plantable wrapping paper

Bringing an innovative, clever take to holiday gift wrapping, a new Kickstarter project just made it a lot more badass. Behold: 100% Plantable Wrapping Paper.

This material functions just like traditional wrapping paper, but features vegetable seeds embedded within the wrapping. Even better, the paper comes in chili, tomato, broccoli, carrots and onion patterns with the matching seeds inside.


Plantable Wrapping Paper

Plantable Wrapping Paper

Plantable Wrapping Paper


Besides packing a 2-for-1 wrapping + vegetable garden punch, the unique material  also gives consumers the option to reduce landfill waste with a more eco-friendly option. The wrapping paper is made from recycled and biodegradable tissue paper that can be planted in the ground and watered, eventually sprouting the specific vegetable.

Eden's Paper is now on Kickstarter, so if you fancy the idea, show your support stat.

H/T PSFK + Picthx Kickstarter