
Bacon Weave Breakfast Taco Cures Your Weekend Hangover


Thank you thank you thank you incredible genius at Dude Foods who came up with this creation. The search for the perfect hangover food is finally over.  Forget pancakes, omelets with not enough salt, and the sad excuses for nachos you get at your local brunch spot.  Forget (I can’t believe I’m saying this) IHOP, Denny’s, and the 24-hour diner.  Because bacon reigns supreme, and this spectacular Bacon Weave Breakfast Taco is king.


We’re super excited to see what other varieties of delicious tacos Dude Foods comes up with.  Personally, I’d love to see one with some pepper jack and bacon scrambled eggs (because yes, I need more), topped with some crispy onion crunchies.  For now, I'll have to settle for a sad bagel and loads of water.

H/T  + PicThx Dude Foods