
These 'Sacrilicious' Bacon Latkes Are Not Kosher


First, there was bacon. Then came bacon chocolate, the maple bacon donut, and then the bacon lollipop (does anything not come bacon-flavored, anymore?) It was only a matter of time before the Bacon Latke would come to realization.

The savory creation comes from The Food Monkey, when a curious blogger decided to test drive a bacon latke creation at a friends Hannukah party, despite the potentially offensive implications of the fried porcine platter. Latkes, to fill some of you in, are fried potato pancakes typically eaten during the Jewish holiday and eating pork is expressively prohibited in the Torah.



We know what you're thinking. The idea of latkes made from the fatty, meaty goodness which is bacon, instead of potato (in fact, there's NO potato in this fried adaptation at all) isn't exactly, well, kosher. . . Note: For those who adhere to a kosher diet, please ignore this post.

For the rest of you, here's the recipe.