
Quick Restaurant's New Star Wars Burgers

Intergalactic Civil War can sure build up an appetite. Quick, a fast food chain from France and Belgium, has created Star Wars themed burgers in honor of the upcoming 3D release of Star Wars Episode I 3D. The Dark Burger, the Jedi Burger, and the Dark Vador Burger. Yeah, they’re calling it Dark Vador.


The burgers will be available from Jan. 31 to March 1 in French and Belgian locations. The burgers themselves raise many questions. What makes the Dark Vador bread so black? What’s the white chunky stuff in the Jedi burger? Cheese? Marshmallows? Our neighbors to the East will be lucky enough to find out starting at the end of the month.


So whether you're a Dark Sith Lord starving after blowing up a planet or a humble moisture farmer with an appetite from spending the whole day haggling over used droids, if you happen to swing by Europe, be sure to try these burgers out.

via: Eater Photo: Mintinbox