Sriracha Salt Exists, Spells Endgame for Other Seasonings

We won’t lie, we think Sriracha is perfect just the way it is (so perfect, in fact, that we shot a food porn video starring Sriracha in all its natural glory) but we still never pass up the opportunity to sear our tastebuds with Sriracha in new and exciting ways. That’s where Sriracha Salt comes in.

This brilliant marriage of salty and spicy comes straight from Randy Clemens, author of the Sriracha Cookbook. He throws Sriracha in a bowl with some kosher salt, organic garlic powder, and organic cayenne pepper, mixes it all together, and then runs the whole thing through a dehydrator. The end result is a slightly spicy seasoning that pairs well with steamed or roasted veggies, baked potatoes, eggs — basically anything plain-tasting that could use a little Sriracha-infused kick to make it memorable.

sriracha salt on eggs

We can’t really think of a food that wouldn’t be improved by adding Sriracha salt, so we’re looking forward to making this and putting it on . . . everything.

Sriracha Salt $5 @ Amazon

Images courtesy of Emma Christensen/The Kitchn

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