
Satirical Coffee Ad Is SAVAGE AF

I can't lie, I wake up every morning and look forward to my cup of coffee. I even ground my own beans and brew individual cups with a reusable knock-off K-Cup thing. I sip my freshly brewed coffee with pride and look forward to the morning ritual.

It's all because I'm an addict—a coffee addict, and thanks to this brutally honest video from, I'm now aware of my problems and will seek the help of my friends and family for help and guidance. Take a look for yourself, are you an addict too?

Even though I'm slightly joking about seeking help, caffeine is pretty addicting.


While I'm not going to steal, cheat and lie for my next grande Pike at Starbucks, it's safe to say coffee drinkers aren't shy about their habit — I just typed grande Pike without hesitation — but if you're buying the next round, I'm coming.

I drink way too much coffee.

So, the next time you consider drinking a nice, warm cup of Joe in the morning, remember this video and say to yourself, "At least it's not heroin."
