
These Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Perfect Cubes


An artistic duo that goes by the name Lernert & Sander created a pretty crazy food design for a Dutch morning newspaper.

Lernert & Sander teamed up with a paper called de Volkskrant Nieuws to gather 98 raw, unprocessed foods and cut them all into mesmerizing little Minecraft-looking cubes to help promote a food-themed documentary.

From fruits like pineapples and pomegranates, to different cuts of fish like like salmon and tuna, they transformed all 98 of the foods into 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5-centimeter pieces.


The two artists have worked with food designs before as they once took jars of Hellmann's mayo and transformed them into dumbbells. They also smashed the middle of a sausage one time, because 'art.'
