
Starbucks South Korea Fizzio Sodas Come With Flavored Jellies, U.S. Jealous as Usual


Starbucks new Fizzio soda line hit U.S. locations earlier this summer, but while we've been fawning over fancy flavors like Spiced Root Beer, South Korea has been sipping on a more exotic assortment complete with flavored jellies.


Brand Eating describes the South Korea Fizzio Flavors in detail:

Lemon Ginger is described as "Real fruit juice and spices create a light, citrus flavor with notes of ginger and rosemary that go perfectly with rich mango jelly.''

Passion Tea Lemonade is described as "Refreshing bright citrus and floral notes and smooth hibiscus jelly provide a lively, balanced zing."

Yogurt Citrus is mentioned in the following manner: "real yogurt with creamy mango jelly for a tangy and fresh flavor."


South Korea's Fizzio line up sounds significantly more gourmet than our gussied up American classics menu. If you're really looking for a Starbucks shake up, you could try to convince your favorite barista to carbonate your favorite drink.

In the meantime, I'm just gonna sit here trying to figure out a way to ask my barista to blend a Spiced Root Beer Fizzio with a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino for a spicy, bubbly, float. Mmmmmm, overpriced frapp float.

H/T + PicThx Brand Eating