
Despite State Laws, High Levels of Carcinogens Found in Soda


A new investigation from Consumer Report discovered that a potential carcinogen is found in Pepsi One and other sodas.  While the cancer risks of soda aren’t (sadly) news, what is shocking is that the levels of a caramel coloring found in the drinks are well above what the state of California says is safe.  This is after establishing in 2011 that the carcinogenic chemicals could not exceed a certain limit without including a label to warn consumers.

While Pepsi is accusing Consumer Report for false measures and incorrect conclusions, they note that Pepsi One contains less than the amount considered safe to be consumed per day.  This does not take into account those who often consume more than one, or even two, sodas a day.  For those who do, the chemical amount quickly exceeds the daily dose.


While Pepsi and the FDA are still scrambling to assure the public of the chemical’s “safety” and its limited amounts in your beverages, the full report tells a different story. Our take? If you can't kick the habit, take it down to one can a day, and make sure to read your labels.