
Happy Monday: How 99.9% of You Judge What's 'Good' Coffee


It's Monday and you should be at home nursing that phenomenal hangover. Instead, it's 6 am and you're stuck in traffic on the way to work hating life. The only thing that can make it better? Coffee.


So, if you're waiting in line to grab that gourmet double espresso made from beans "rinsed in the tears of alpacas," this one's for you, courtesy of the The Oatmeal and ilovecoffee. Because it's Monday and you deserve to have your coffee any which way you want it -- even if it's laden in mounds of whip cream, chocolate shavings and a bag of Splenda. Yum.

Enjoy the lulcatz and Happy Monday, Foodbeasts!


H/T + PicThx of The Oatmeal & ilovecoffee