
Daniel Tosh Officially Ends The Bottle Flip Trend With This Water Cooler

Over the past few weeks, the water bottle flipping challenge has taken the Internet by storm, giving kids everywhere the impression that they actually have a worth while talent. Sorry kids, as Daniel Tosh explains, if everyone can do it — it's not challenging.

So, naturally, being the obnoxious Comedy Central host that he is, Daniel Tosh took the water bottle flipping challenge to the next level. And he didn't disappoint.

"I'm not trying to play the game — I'm trying to change it." - Daniel Tosh, Host of Comedy Central's Tosh.0

That's impressive height and precision, Daniel. That's probably why they pay you the big bucks.


Now, everyone can stop trying to flip their water bottles — if it wasn't already played out before — Tosh.0 definitely killed it now.

Although, we wonder if someone could do something cooler with this challenge.