
This Girl is Addicted to Eating Plastic...15 Pieces of it a Day

In one of the most anti-FOODBEAST stories of the year, this is the tale of Kailyn, an 18-year old from Sacramento, CA who consumes at least 15 pieces of plastic a day. She loves the feel of remotes in her mouth, she's eaten 12 of them, along with over 5,000 beads, 1,000 cocktail swords, 100 swords, 10 water bottles, 2 pacifiers, 3 CD cases, 50 coat hangers and 25 plastic drink lids.

Kailyn's 11-year-strong plastic habit has led to over 150 pounds of plastic consumed. According to the TLC My Strange Addiction episode that will be documenting the habit, Kailyn often chooses plastic over food. She mentions that it's not the taste of plastic she's after, but it's "the way it crunches, and feels, and it's a rough, but at the same time, smooth texture."


Does anyone out there also consume plastic? I know I've been known to nob on the occasional plastic straw...but to actually chew it down and swallow it, not really my type snack.