
Report: Cops Are the Fattest Employees in America


The only thing that’s gotten worse press than Uber this year is cops. And North Korea. And Russia. Maybe Chai Yan Leung? Okay, so I lied — there are a Kim K. butt-load’s worth of things on the receiving end of savage media beatdowns this year. Either way, almost everyone agrees in 2014: between Ferguson and “I can’t breathe,” cops are on the hot seat.

Dropping in just in time before the year ends with a stocking stuffer for police officers is the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, which has just listed the law enforcement profession as having the most obese workers across the land.


Along with police officers, security guards and firefighters also find themselves in the same boat (sinking, if all stuffed on the same vessel), with 40.7 percent of those employed in those professions being gravitationally challenged. While it’s no surprise that police officers and security guards eat a lot of donuts, firefighters are another story. So maybe obesity is the real reason the beloved fire pole is on its way out — firefighters can no longer squeeze through the hole.


Meanwhile, economists, scientists and psychologists are least likely to be obese (14.1 percent), according to the AJPM.


[h/t: WSJ]

Written by NextShark's Alan Van