
Here's What Protein-Style Quesadillas Look Like


Okay, hold up.  I've had quesadillas before, but this recipe is blowing my mind!  The only thing better than the soft, carb-y goodness of a flour tortilla is BACON.  In this particular quesadilla recipe, the tortilla is completely made of bacon weaved together.

For you daredevils out there, here's the basics on how to put the bacon twist on this dish.  Once you've got two squares of bacon weaved together, cut them into circles, fry them up and add whatever kinds of goodies you want.  Finish frying them after that, then voilà!  But for a more detailed explanation on how to cook this new Mexican novelty, visit DudeFoods.


I think it's time they start serving this stuff at the Del Taco drive-thrus.  Greasy quesadillas are great as a late-night snack, but bacon ones would solve any and all middle-of-the-night cravings.  Plus, they're high in protein right?

H/T + PicThx DudeFoods