An Unforgiving Breakdown of How Much Sugar America Consumes [Infographic]

Newsflash: Sugar is bad for you. In case you didn’t catch it the first time, here it is again: Sugar is bad for you, as in awful, terrible stuff. For those of you not yet sick of hearing it, I’ll say it one more time: Sugar is bad, bad, bad.

Phew, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s consider this particularly eye-opening, unforgiving infographic by The piece outlines the spectacular amount of sugar Americans consume, how much sugar our favorite foods contain and what health problems — from obesity to depression — can arise from eating too much “refined sugar.” The last section even suggests that based on the way it affects the brain, sugar can be just as addicting as cocaine.

Thus, while even good ol’ Bloomberg can be a bore after awhile, the infographic does drive home an important fact: Too much of anything is rarely a good thing.

Check out the breakdown of our nation’s sugar consumption below:


PicThx Forbes

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