
Cinnamon Bun and Chocolate Mint Coffee Make Mornings Less Awful


What's a good reason to get loaded up on caffeine way too early in the morning? There's never a good reason, but if you're gonna do it, it might as well be with dessert in a cup. We recently tried out Eight O' Clock's new Cinnamon Bun and Chocolate Mint coffee on a morning when we all needed the extra boost.

However, the Cinnamon Bun flavor tasted like cinnamon buns in the same way orange soda tastes like oranges. It was tasty, yes, but it definitely wasn't cinnamon or bun. Same went for the Chocolate Mint -- definitely got some interesting sweetness in there, but again, neither chocolate nor mint were detected.


Still, it got the job done and by the end of our cups we got that jolt of energy we were looking for. A surprise, seeing as both brews featured a gentle taste that left you wondering if you ingested any caffeine at all. Still, we'd take cinnamon buns and chocolate mint in our cup o' Joe any day.

Photo Courtesy of Peter Pham