
A&W Restaurants Test 'Texas Toast Chicken Sandwiches'


Just when the general public is about to forget about A&W, they decide to bulk up their menu offerings to re-engage some of their audience. In this particular move, the chain is toying with three flavors of a Texas Toast Chicken Sandwich in various test markets. In the mix is a Honey Dijon Club, BLT and Buffalo Chicken sandwiches. If you happen to be in the test area of an A&W with these new sandwiches, definitely let us know how they taste! With this move, A&W seems to be joining a rank of limited major players currently offering Texas Toast sandwiches. Their current competition includes the likes of Hardee's' Texas Toast Bacon Cheese Thickburger and Dunkin' Donuts' recently released Big 'N Toasty breakfast sandwich. (Via BurgerBusiness)