Watch A Mountain Named Bubba Slap The Sh*t Out Of A Woman Beater At A Bar

Violence is never the answer. However, when someone is asking for it, sometimes they get what they deserve. This belligerent asshole slapped a woman, then immediately gets WALLOPED by a giant man named Bubba.
This dumbass is shirtless, clearly slurring his words, not to mention talking very disrespectfully to the young woman he claimed was “his sister.” That’s no way to treat your sister, either, by the way.
The man is obviously being kicked out of whatever establishment he was visiting, but was too belligerent to leave without a fight.
The video was uploaded to on July 20, the video now has more than 400,000 views in a few hours.
Hopefully, someone knows who this guy is and reports him to the authorities. This is unacceptable behavior.
The only person that can be thanked is Bubba. Thank you, Bubba for not killing this dumbass on camera.