
Rice Krispy Treats Beats Doritos As America's Favorite Snack According To Study

Photo: Hubscore


March 4th is a day of celebration for snack lovers far and wide, as it is National Snack Day. In honor of satisfying munchies, Hubscore has released a new report revealing America’s favorite snack by state, and the results show that Rice Krispies Treats has overtaken Doritos as the top choice in 18 states. 


The study involved narrowing down the picks to the top 20 trending snacks, then identifying which snacks were searched for the most in each state. Compared to Rice Krispies Treats’ 18 states, Doritos came in second place with 16 states, and Cheetos rounded out the top three being the favorite in 8 states. A closer look reveals that Rice Krispies Treats was mostly favored by northern states from the West to East coast, Doritos is most popular in the South, and Cheetos rules the Southwest.

While it doesn’t explain why these snacks are popular regionally, it's interesting to see the consistency from state to state. Beyond the nationwide dominance of the aforementioned snacks, other brands did manage to leave a mark as well. In New York and Connecticut, Lays is actually the top snack. New Jersey is something special, as Cheerios is curiously the most popular go-to snack there. 

Fritos makes a respectable splash and lands in the number one spot in Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming. And, to round out America’s top snacks, Chex Mix leaves a mark as the favorite of Montana, North Dakota, and Hawaii.