This Irish Nacho Beer Brat Is Topped With Potato Chips And Bacon Bits

Irish. Nacho. Brats. To me, that just screams Game Day.
Or hey day. Or b-day. Or any day. But honestly, truly, these Irish Nacho Beer Brats are like halftime served on toasted bun.
And you *butter* believe they taste like halftime, too. This combination of beer-flavored bratwurst, nacho cheddar cheese, bacon bits, green onions, potato chips, sour cream, and pickled jalapeños is our fave new way to get our game grub on, especially since football’s started up.
We took a crack at the Sizzling Sausage Grill from Johnsonville to cook the sausages—it’s a portable appliance that one can simply plug in and let sit on the counter undisturbed as it cooks up to five uncooked links. It’s also ideal for cooking indoors, so you don’t have to miss any gameplay.
The results? Juicy. If you want to grill it up this fall without the effort of conventional outdoor grilling, make sure you pick up one of these grills for your own—you can use promo code “sizzle2” to get $20 off your purchase.
Touch. Down.
Created in partnership with Johnsonville