
World's Most Hipster Restaurant Offers a Salted Caramel Lobster Grilled Cheese


Grilled cheese is normally the laychild’s go-to, consisting of two slices of white bread nestled around a slice or two of American cheddar cheese and melted in a frying pan, but this is some straight bougie sh*t.

The Hudson Common in New York is offering a $22 grilled cheese sandwich for National Grilled Cheese Day this Friday, made up of Yancy Farms White Cheddar Curds, Brooklyn Salvatore Smoked Ricotta, 2 Sisters Gouda, Tickler Cheddar, Fromage Blanc, Prairie Breeze Cheddar, buttermilk and Red Chili-Chipotle Lobster Salad, topped with a caramel drizzle.


Its full name is the Salted Caramel Angry Lobster Fatty Melt and I totally understand. I mean, if I were a dead fancypants crustacean and someone poured delicious gooey caramel all over my naked corpse WITHOUT EVEN LETTING ME TASTE SOME FIRST, I’d be pretty pissed too.

Food Republic goes so far as to call this monstrosity “The World’s Trendiest Sandwich,” but let’s just consider for a moment the rest of the Hudson Common menu, which includes Peanut Butter Barbecue Ribs, Kimchi Pickles, White Truffle Popcorn, Bloody Mary Bacon and a Pork Katsu BLT. Salted caramel? *Snort* So mainstream.

H/T + PicThx Gothamist