
The Pizza Waffle Cone

You might remember our buddy Nick from DudeFoods with such stories as The Lasagna Burger and The Chicken and Waffle Cone. Well he's at it once again, pulling out that waffle cone maker of his and throwing all kinds of deliciousness into a cone.

This time, he decided to toss in some pizza ingredients into the mix with the aptly named: Pizza Cone. Once again, DudeFoods proves to us that there's still magic in the world.


All it takes is some raw pizza dough that you need to put into a waffle cone maker and apply pressure so it stays flat and doesn't rise too much. Then it's simply a matter of throwing in the ingredients you want. In this case, it's pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella, Italian sausage, and pepperoni into a bowl, adding some heat, and scooping it onto the cone. Simple and ready to eat.

I'd love to throw me some anchovies, bacon, and olives in that mix.