
Walmart Display Claims Soda is 'Wholesome. Healthy. Delicious.'


Listen, we've all given Walmart a bad rap and hey, maybe this was just an honest mistake. At least, we hope it was, because the last time we checked soda was no where near "Wholesome" or "Healthy." Although, we'll agree that the fizzy stuff is rather "Delicious."

Kudos to Consumerist reader Kathy for snapping the pic featuring seemingly misplaced 2-liter bottles of Sprite and Coca-Cola. We're guessing the signs claiming to be  “Wholesome. Healthy. Delicious." and "Easy convenient meals" were meant for something like fresh sandwiches and salads. Then again . . . it is Walmart we're talking about and that McDonald's in the background isn't really helping its case. Just sayin'.



Sigh. The day that Sprite or Coca-Cola become replacements for a nice pre-packaged chicken from the store deli, I'll just head over to the bakery for some yesterday, today, tomorrow expiring glazed donuts.