
Twix Takes A Page From Nutella And Lets You Spread The Love


If you're the type of person whose life revolves around Nutella, things are about to get complicated because Twix just jumped in with a spread of their own.


Available in the UK, (The very country that gave Twix life) the spread has all the essential parts you'd find in the candy, from the chocolate and caramel base, to the bits of crunchy cookie mixed in.

It looks like they're still sticking with their "Left Twix" versus "Right Twix" rivalry, as the container's cap reads, "Spreading left is EPIC," while "Spreading right is MEGA." Whatever that means.

This reminds us of Reese's peanut butter and chocolate spread that released in 2014, so Nutella's looking at some fierce competition from the candy bar industry.

