
The End Burger – Go Out With a Gourmet Bang

Gotta love the powder on the bun to make it look extra deadly and asteroid-like

Blend, a gourmet burger joint in Paris, has teamed up with Fat & Furious Burger (a food concept art Tumblr, I think) to offer The End Burger – billed as a "smooth transition to the beyond." The burger, pictured above, features a sauce that trumpets death, smoked bacon, scarmoza (a more full-bodied mozzarella), bursts of red cabbage, salt crystals, and liquid smoke.


Of course, this delicious Armageddon burger is only available until December 21st, as the world and the idea of a delicious burger piled high with prime ingredients will cease to exist at that point, right?

via Fat & Furious Burger (some images NSFW)