
Girl Teaches How To Make Spaghetti With Terrifying Death Metal Vocals


Food recipes aren't usually known for being hardcore, but Linzey Rae's recipes will give you flashbacks of the metal head in high school who'd blast Slayer in his headphones, and recklessly headbang while students watched in wonderment.

Welcome to "Metal Ktichen," where you can learn how to cook and feel like you're in a mosh pit at the same time.

Rae's videos are a bit bizarre, as you hear the metal music start, you see a smiling young lady, and think, 'This is going to be cute,' but then she starts growling out ingredients and cooking directions, and you're immediately taken aback.


Doing her best impression of Alex Varkatzas from Atreyu, she not only teaches how to make spaghetti and meatballs, but also how to prep for your important dinner date.

When she finishes the song, almost in a trance, she looks at the camera and gives a big smile.

Check out the most bad-ass spaghetti recipe you'll ever see: