
Kalettes: Brussels Sprout + Kale Hybrid Experts Say Will Be Big in 2015

Dear Everyone Who’s Getting Tired of Kale,

You are not alone.

The National Restaurant Association released its annual “What’s Hot” forecast, and the new year will bring less kale, specifically in salad form. Before you rejoice, another prediction for 2015 sounds incredibly worse.

Kara Nielson, culinary director of the advertising agency Sterling Rice Group, included something on her list that the NRA neglected: kalettes.


Courtesy of Kalettes

Kalettes have already been touted as a new superfood by Kona International, but don't be fooled. Even though it sounds and looks like adorable baby kale; kalettes are a hybrid of Brussels sprouts and kale.

Let’s say international human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin is kale and Academy Award-winning actor George Clooney is Brussels sprouts. Kale is clearly great for everyone and very versatile, while Brussels sprouts taste the same in just about everything. Brussels sprouts seeders decided to partner up with kale in hopes of achieving the same level of legitimacy.

(Feel free to send Clooney some aloe for that burn.)


The resulting kalettes maintain the nutritional value of their parent vegetables while softening the thick kale leaves and diluting the potent flavor of Brussels sprouts.

You know, if you're into that sort of thing.