
Football Chips & Dip Set

Hey, everyone it’s football season!  Woohoo!

Okay, so I only know that because I overheard someone talking about the Giants at work today.  And then I Googled “football season” because I think there’s a baseball team called the Giants, and I don’t know jack about that either.


As a marching band geek, I had to sit through dozens of football games in high school, but I could never figure out what all the stopping and starting was all about.  I don’t understand what “downs” are and I still don’t know where kicking a field goal comes in.

Alright, so now that you know I could care less about football, I do indeed appreciate clever ways to serve chips and dip.  This is certainly one of them.  Fill the football-shaped bowl with your favorite dip, and artfully arrange your chips on the hand-painted field, complete with goal posts, yard lines and the word “TOUCHDOWN” across each end zone.  ($29.95 @ Patina)