
This Chef Brilliantly Found A Way To Save Water During California's Massive Drought


The California drought has caused its residents to make some serious changes when it comes to water. Recently, a new rule stated that restaurants would not be allowed to serve water unless requested by the customers. This is all in an effort to conserve the resource, until more rain arrives.

One chef, John Cox, decided to push the rule even further in his Big Sur-based restaurant Sierra Mar. Cox began using an air compressor to clean his restaurant's dirty dishes and other things that normally would require the use of water. This change has resulted in Sierra Mar using 80 percent less water than before.


Cox has also convinced five other restaurants to implement the same change. It's said that if all the restaurants in the state would begin using air compressors instead of water, California could save anywhere from 5-10 billion gallons of water each year.

That's definitely a noticeable difference.