
Cartoon Shows How a Bean Becomes a Fart [VIDEO]


True story: more kids would learn better if 1) school subjects were more relevant to their daily lives and 2) everything was taught using cartoons. Case in point: the following adorable animation that illustrates, using tiny anthropomorphic beans and enzymes, how precisely beans get transformed into farts.

The cartoon can explain better than my English major ever could, but the gist is that beans contain several nutrients that the body breaks down using enzymes, plus a couple more, called oligosaccharides, that it doesn't. Unlike the proteins, fats, and carbs that get absorbed straight into the bloodstream, these oligosaccharides head to the colon to be broken down by bacteria and converted into fuel.

As you can probably guess, this process also happens to produce a familiar nasty side effect: hella gas.


Check out the video below for a moving TL;DR version of what I just wrote, courtesy of Vancouver-based production studio Giant Ant, illustrator Rami Niemi, and Men's Health Magazine. Yay science!