
Pizza Hut Teases Cheesy Bites Pizzas Coming July 7


In honor of those pizza loving reptile heroes, aka, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pizza Hut is advertising new Cheesy Bites Pizzas that are set to debut July 7. As we reported last Fall, these Cheesy Bites Pizzas replace the crust with mini crust bites filled with cheese.

The official Pizza Hut website is just teasing the new pizza lineup for now, but if it's anything like the version Grub Grade reviewed a few years back it'll probably fare better with patrons who are trying to sober up, or Ninja Turtles fans who have a sick case of the munchies. We're betting the official Cheesy Bites Pizza line up will include the usual suspects such as pepperoni and cheese.


If you're looking to really get into the TMNT spirit why not just make some actual pizzas from the show? Oh wait, we already did that for you.

H/T Grub Grade, PicThx Pizza Hut