
1 Gallon of Milk = 1000 Gallons of Water + More Eye-Opening Facts on Food Waste

food waste

Food consumption is constant. Unfortunately, so is food waste. We toss out valuable produce both consciously and unconsciously, whether it's ordering a meal we can't finish at a restaurant or discarding out week-old bananas. In the US, many of us have the mindset that food waste is, yes, "unfortuante," but ultimately inevitable. However, few of us ever think of the money, time and environmental costs that goes behind our food.

If we did, we'd probably think twice before tossing out those leftovers.

Food Waste, A Story of Excess takes us through a quick, yet eye-opening journey through consumption and waste in the US. The video shines a light on the gravity of our everyday decisions. A few startling notes from the video:


  • Food waste costs the US $165 billion annually
  • It takes 1000 gallons of fresh water to produce 1 gallon of milk
  • Half the food in the US is wasted between the farm and the fork

Watch the video below: