
Best Valentine's Gift EVER: Boyfriend Transforms Ice Dispenser into Candy Dispenser


Like many already great things (yogurt, grapes, Thin Mint cookies), candy, especially chocolate candy, is even better frozen. But it can be difficult to know just when you'll want to nom on some frozen Hershey's kisses. What if it's, like, midnight and you want some frozen chocolate right now, because your Valentine's Day was demoralizing, and dammit, candy is great?

Luckily, one boyfriend has the answer. Even more luckily, if you don't have a boyfriend, he made this great video (and step-by-step instructions) to show how he did it. So, here's lookin' at you, single ladies (and gentlemen). If you liked it, then you shoulda finagled an ice dispenser to give frozen candy in place of ice.

Catchy, no?


H/T The Daily Meal + PicThx Foodinese